Schicksalstag (Fateful Day) in Germany Date in the current year: November 9, 2024

Schicksalstag (Fateful Day) in Germany The date of November 9 is referred to as Schicksalstag (fateful day) in Germany. There are five notable events in the history of the country that are connected with this day, and not all of them are happy ones.

On November 9, 1848 the execution of Robert Blum took place. Blum was a democratic politician and revolutionist who took an active part in the German March Revolution. His execution became a symbol for the futility of the rebellion.

On November 9, 1918 Kaiser Wilhelm II was dethroned in the course of the November Revolution. This event led to the fall of the German Empire and the establishment of the Weimar Republic in August 1919.

On November 9, 1923 the Munich Putsch, also known as the Beer Hall Putsch, failed. The putsch was Hitler's attempt to seize power in Munich. Hitler and other leaders of the Nazi Party were arrested and imprisoned.

On November 9, 1938 several hundred Jews were killed during the so-called Kristallnacht. A lot of synagogues, Jewish-owned stores and buildings were burnt and destroyed. Additionally, 30,000 Jews were arrested and sent to concentration camps.

On November 8, 1989 the Berlin Wall fell and the reunification of Germany began. The anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall was considered as the date for Germany's national day. However, it was finally considered inappropriate as a national holiday as it was the anniversary of Kristallnacht as well.

The term Schicksalstag emerged after the Second World War, but its widespread use started after German reunification.

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Schicksalstag, Fateful Day, Beer Hall Putsch, Kristallnacht, fall of the Berlin Wall