National Nutty Fudge Day Date in the current year: May 12, 2024

National Nutty Fudge Day May 12 is National Nutty Fudge Day. There is something special about nutty fudge, and today you have a perfect excuse to indulge in this sweet delight.

There are several stories about the creation of fudge floating around. One of them mentions a letter by Emelyn Bettersby Hartridge, written in 1886 at Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, New York. She said that her cousin had made fudge and sold it for 40 cents per pound in Baltimore, Maryland. Hartridge obtained the recipe and made 30 pounds of the treat for the Vassar College Senior Auction in 1888.

Another legend tells about a young confectionery apprentice who was stirring a pot of caramel while his boss was serving customers. The apprentice made a mistake, and when the boss returned, the caramel was so grainy that it was totally ruined. Nevertheless, the customers loved the treat and called it fudge after the apprentice who had made it by mistake.

There are even more stories about the invention of fudge, but don't waste any more time for them. Grab a box of your favorite nutty fudge, for example, with pecans or walnuts, and celebrate the holiday with your friends, coworkers and family.

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national nutty fudge day, nutty fudge, food day holiday, food holiday