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AnydayGuide offers an extensive collection of everyday tips and advice, covering a range of topics from home & garden to beauty & style to dating & relationships, and a worldwide holiday and festival calendar, providing helpful and interesting content to a wide and diverse audience. Our content is fully indexed by all major search engines, allowing our advertisers to reach readers from around the world.

Advertising Options

Banner Ads

Deliver your message on a banner in a size and format of your choice. Your banner will appear in the left menu of every page of our website or on the page or pages of your choice. The sizes and formats of banner ads can be discussed. We also offer background advertising (skin ads) on our website.

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  • Permanent link to your website from any of our existing articles/posts.
  • Sponsored post provided by you (must be relevant; can include a link to your website).
  • Sponsored post written by our copywriters (can include a link to your website).
  • Advertorial provided by you (must be relevant; can include a link to your website).
  • Advertorial written by our copywriters (can include a link to your website).

If you would like to discuss advertising options and rates, please contact us at or using the form on our Contacts page.
