Kebab Day in Sweden Date in the current year: September 11, 2024

Kebab Day in Sweden Even though kebab is originally a Middle Eastern dish, today it is a popular street food in many parts of the world, including Sweden where kebab lovers celebrate Kebab Day (Kebabens dag) on September 11 every year.

Kebab, sometimes spelled kebap or kabob, is a dish of cooked meat that originated in the Middle East. The term “kebab” translates loosely to “roasted meat dish”. Traditionally, kebabs are made from lamb or mutton, but recipes can include beef, chicken, goat, and even fish. Pork kebabs are uncommon due to the dish’s origins in predominantly Muslim regions, where Islam prohibits the consumption of pork. However, pork versions can be found in China, Southeast Asia, and Greece.

Kebab has many variations, but two of the most well-known in the West are shish kebab and doner kebab. Shish kebab features pieces of meat grilled on skewers and is similar to shashlik, a dish from the Caucasus, and souvlaki, a Greek favorite. Classic shish kebabs are made from lamb and served with separately grilled vegetables. However, there are many variations that use other types of meats, poultry, fish, or seafood, sometimes grilled with vegetables on the same skewer.

Doner kebab, a popular fast-food dish in many parts of the world, is made with seasoned meat cooked on a vertical rotisserie. The thinly sliced meat is served on a plate with various sauces and sides, wrapped in flatbread, or stuffed into a pita. The Levantine shawarma and the Greek gyros are regional variations of doner kebab.

Kebab restaurants began to pop up throughout Sweden in the early 1980s. In Sweden, the term “kebab” usually refers to a type of fast food that consists of a pita bread or a thin flatbread filled with kebab meat, onions, sweet Italian chili peppers (friggitelli), salad, and sauce. Pickled vegetables and chopped herbs can also be added. Another common variation of the dish is the kebab plate, where the roasted meat is served with salad, onions, sauce, and a side of fries, mashed potatoes, bulgur, or rice. Kebab can also be served in the form of a roll.

However, the most unusual kebab-inspired dish in Sweden is the kebab pizza, which combines Middle Eastern and Italian cuisine. Invented by Middle Eastern immigrants in the 1980s, it consists of a pizza crust topped with kebab meat, typically beef, and other ingredients such as onions, sweet Italian chili peppers, and kebab sauce (sour cream or yogurt mixed with various spices). Even though the kebab pizza is not considered part of traditional Swedish cuisine, it is one of the most recognizable fast food dishes in Sweden, as well as a popular comfort food and hangover food.

According to statistics, the most popular kebab dish in Sweden is kebab plate with fries, followed by kebab roll, kebab with bread, kebab pizza, and kebab plate with rice. The most popular kebab sauce in the country is garlic sauce, preferred by more than half of all consumers. However, there are clear regional differences when it comes to kebab preferences.

The origins of Sweden’s Kebab Day are somewhat unclear, and there is some disagreement regarding the date: while there is a general consensus that the holiday is celebrated on September 11, some sources claim its date is September 28. Be that as it may, there is no doubt that kebab deserves to be celebrated.

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Kebab Day in Sweden, holidays in Sweden, food days, unofficial holidays, kebab in Sweden