International Day of Science, Technology and Innovation for the South Date in the current year: September 16, 2024

International Day of Science, Technology and Innovation for the South The International Day of Science, Technology and Innovation for the South is a United Nations observance held annually on September 16. It was created to reaffirm the UN’s commitment to leaving no one behind as science and technology rapidly advance.

In the modern world, science, technology, and innovation are playing an increasingly vital role in all aspects of human life. Some developing nations keep up with their advancement, leveraging this momentum to bypass traditional stages of development. However, for many others, this rapidly evolving landscape poses significant challenges.

This is particularly true for the Global South with its governance issues. These challenges are exacerbated by the persistent technology access gap between developing and industrialized countries, largely driven by disparities in technological capabilities and inadequate governance frameworks to ensure the widespread dissemination of technology.

For a lot of developing nations, sustainable development is becoming an increasingly challenging endeavor in a world characterized by social, economic, and environmental polarization, coupled with indifference to meeting the sustainable development goals that have been multilaterally agreed upon. The widening gap between political promises and actual progress in international forums makes this task even more challenging.

At the Summit on Science, Technology, and Innovation, which took place in Havana in September 2023, the leaders of the G77 and China designated September 16 as the International Day of Science, Technology, and Innovation for the South. The Havana Declaration on Current Development Challenges: The Role of Science, Technology, and Innovation, which was adopted at the summit, stressed the crucial role of science, technology, and innovation in addressing development challenges by promoting cooperation, equitable access to technology, and the responsible use of scientific innovations.

In January 2024, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that officially designated September 16 as the International Day of Science, Technology, and Innovation for the South. The resolution highlights the significance of harnessing scientific and technological progress for sustainable development, in alignment with the 2030 Agenda, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, and the Sustainable Development Goals.

The resolution also calls upon United Nations member states, specialized agencies, international organizations, academia, civil society, the private sector, and other stakeholders to observe this international day. It encourages them to launch initiatives, including collaborative projects in science, technology, and innovation, that contribute to the development the countries of the Global South in those areas.

The International Day of Science, Technology, and Innovation for the South stands as a crucial reminder of the global commitment to leaving no one behind. It emphasizes the centrality of advancing science, technology, and innovation—not only to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals but also to foster a fairer, more inclusive, and participatory world.

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International Day of Science Technology and Innovation for the South, UN observances, UN international days, international observances