International Digital Adoption (DAP) Professionals Day Date in the current year: July 25, 2024

International Digital Adoption (DAP) Professionals Day International Digital Adoption (DAP) Professionals Day is celebrated annually on the last Thursday of July. It was created to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of professionals who help organizations adopt new technologies.

The term “digital adoption” refers to the process of incorporating new digital tools and systems that improve work processes and help companies achieve their objectives. The use of new technology such as software, hardware, and online platforms helps companies enhance communication, optimize operations, and increase productivity.

Companies hire digital adoption professionals, also known as digital adoption practitioners, to assist with their digital transformation strategy, implement new software, and train employees on using it effectively. DAP professionals can be found at every level of an organization, but there are three key types of these specialists:

  • digital adoption technicians (digital adoption builders)
  • digital adoption managers
  • digital adoption leaders

Digital adoption technicians are the ones directly responsible for the implementation of new solutions and strategies. They perform hands-on work such as implementing digital adoption platforms and IT solutions, designing training content for employees, etc. The exact nature of their work will depend on the company’s needs.

Digital adoption managers oversee digital adoption programs, which often includes managing employee onboarding and training; this role requires leadership and managerial skills in addition to technical skills and knowledge. Finally, digital adoption leaders are typically senior executives who focus on designing, scaling, and leading digital adoption projects for large organizations.

International Digital Adoption Professionals Day was launched in 2022 by WalkMe, an American digital adoption platform founded in 2021. The main goal of this professional day is to recognize the contributions of specialists who help build, manage, and drive the adoption of new software and digital tools in their organizations. Today, when new technologies are on the rise, this profession is becoming increasingly relevant each day.

You can get involved with International DAP Professionals Day by learning more about the work of DAP professionals and saying “thank you” to your DAP professional if your company has one or giving them a shout-out on social media using the hashtag #DAPProfessionals. Some companies show appreciation for their DAP professionals by planning a lunch, happy hour, or office party in their honor.

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International Observances, Professional Days


International Digital Adoption Professionals Day, International DAP Professional Day, international observances, professional days