International Afro-descendant Women’ s Day Date in the current year: July 25, 2024

International Afro-descendant Women’ s Day International Afro-descendant Women’ s Day (Día Internacional de la Mujer Afrodescendiente), also known as the International Day of Black Latin American and Caribbean Women, BLAC Women’s Day or International Afro-Latin American, Afro-Caribbean and Diaspora Women’s Day, is an annual awareness day observed on July 25.

International Afro-descendant Women’ s Day is linked to Black feminism (a branch of feminism that recognizes the intersectionality of sexism and racism and focuses on the experiences of Afro-descendant women) and the broader recognition of people of African descent. It addresses the unique challenges faced by Afro-descendant women and focuses on combating racism from a gender perspective.

Women of African descent often experience a compounded form of discrimination due to both their gender and race; they have to face multiple inequalities linked to structural and systemic racism, as well as misogyny. Afro-descendant women are more susceptible to facing objectification and sexualization; they are also at a higher risk for various forms of physical, psychological, and sexual abuse. Furthermore, these women also face greater obstacles in accessing adequate housing, healthcare services, quality education, and employment opportunities.

The history of International Afro-descendant Women’s Day can be traced back to a historic meeting of 300 Afro-descendant women from 32 countries of Latin America and the Caribbean that was held in the Dominican Republic on July 25, 1992. The meeting gave rise to the Afro-Latin, Afro-Caribbean and Diaspora Women’s Network (La Red de Mujeres Afrolatinoamericanas, Afrocaribeñas y de la Diáspora), and its anniversary was designated as BLAC Women’s Day.

The main goals of International Afro-descendant Women’s Day are to raise the visibility of women of African descent, as well as to highlight their experiences, achievements, and contribution to various fields, including activism, politics, law, art, science, sport, and others. The observance also provides an opportunity to commemorate the struggle of Afro-descendant women against racial discrimination, sexism, poverty and marginalization, and to promote policies that help improve their quality of life and concrete measures to eradicate stigmatization and discrimination against Afro-descendant women.

International Afro-descendant Women’s Day is celebrated by Black women and feminist organizations around the globe. Some Latin American and Caribbean countries host special events on the occasion. For example, Festival Latinidades has been held in Brazil every July since 2008. Widely regarded as the largest festival for Black women in Latin America, it has a diverse program of events and activities such as conferences, panels, lectures, workshops, debates, shows, and other events featuring national and international experts.

Even though International Afro-descendant Women’s Day is not on the list of United Nations international days, it has been supported and celebrated by organizations in the UN system, such as the UNESCO Chair in Education for Social Justice of the Autonomous University of Madrid.

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International Observances


International Afro-descendant Women’ s Day, international observances, Black feminism, intersectionality, sexism and racism