World Amyloidosis Day Date in the current year: October 26, 2024

World Amyloidosis Day World Amyloidosis Day is observed annually on October 26. It was launched in 2021 to raise awareness of a rare and complex disease that is barely known by the general public and even many medical professionals.

Amyloidosis is an umbrella term for a group of diseases caused by a build-up of abnormal proteins called amyloid fibrils. There are about three dozen types of amyloidosis, each associated with a specific protein. The different forms of amyloidosis can have very different symptoms; some of them affect only one part of the body, while others affect multiple organs and tissues, or the entire body.

The heart and kidneys are the most common organs affected by the disease. Several types of amyloidosis are associated with end-stage kidney disease that requires dialysis, and amyloid deposition in the heart can result in heart failure. Other organs and systems that can be affected by amyloid build-up include the nervous system, the gastrointestinal system, the adrenal and thyroid glands, the musculoskeletal system, the eyes, and the oral cavity.

There is no cure for amyloidosis. Treatment depends on the type of the disease and typically focuses on managing symptoms and suppressing or limiting further production of amyloid protein. When amyloidosis has been triggered by another condition, such as tuberculosis or rheumatoid arthritis, the underlying condition should be treated as well.

Prognosis for people affected by amyloidosis varies considerably depending on the type of the disease, the affected organ or organs, the underlying disease (if there is one), and other factors. Without treatment, life expectancy for patients with systemic amyloidosis (i.e. involving multiple organ systems) is between six months and four years.

One of the major issues of amyloidosis is diagnostic delay. Due to different types of amyloidosis manifesting differently and symptoms often being non-specific, it takes an average of 4 years for patients to get diagnosed. Since severe systemic amyloidosis can lead to organ failure, a timely diagnosis is crucial to prevent life-threatening complications. This is why it is so important t raise amyloidosis awareness.

World Amyloidosis Day is organized by Amyloidosis Alliance, a global alliance of patient groups and organizations around the globe, and patient organizations from 18 different countries across four continents. The main goal of this awareness day is to connect the amyloidosis community with the general public because only widespread knowledge about the disease can help achieve faster diagnosis and better treatment quality.

Though the World Amyloidosis Day campaign is aimed primarily at health professionals and authorities, researchers, pharmaceutical companies, associations and institutions, and other stakeholders, anyone can support it. You can get involved by learning more about amyloidosis and helping to educate others, donating to an organization that helps people living with amyloidosis and their families or funds research into the disease, participating in a World Amyloidosis Day event near you or even organizing an event of your own, and spreading the word on social media with the hashtag #WorldAmyloidosisDay.

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International Observances


World Amyloidosis Day, international observances, awareness days, awareness campaigns, amyloidosis