Word Sarcoidosis Day Date in the current year: April 13, 2024

Word Sarcoidosis Day Word Sarcoidosis Day, also known as World Sarcoidosis Awareness Day, is observed annually on April 13. It was created to raise awareness of a systemic inflammatory disease that can affect the lungs, skin, lymph nodes, and other organs.

Sarcoidosis, also known as Besnier-Boeck-Schaumann disease, can affect any organ, but it usually begins in the lungs, lymph nodes, or skin. It involves the collection of inflammation cells that form lumps known as granulomata or granulomas.

The signs and symptoms of sarcoidosis depend on the organ affected by the disease; they are often very mild. Because of this, sarcoidosis is hard to diagnose and is discovered by accident in about 5% of all cases. Common symptoms tend to be vague and include fatigue, asthenia (lack of energy), joint aches and pains, arthritis, weight loss, shortness of breath, dry eyes, blurry vision, skin lesions, cough, swollen lymph nodes, fever, and night sweats.

At least 90% of sarcoidosis patients have their lungs affected by the disease; about half of those affected develop permanent lung abnormalities. Skin is involved in 9–37% of all cases; lesions caused by sarcoidosis typically resolve on their own within a few weeks. The disease can also affect the heart, eyes, nervous system, endocrine system, blood, joints, bones, and muscles.

The exact cause of sarcoidosis is unknown. According to the current working hypothesis, it develops in genetically susceptible individuals due to exposure to an infectious, occupational, or environmental agent. As we’ve already mentioned above, the condition is hard to diagnose. There is no specific test for sarcoidosis, so the only way to diagnose the disease is to exclude other conditions that match the symptoms one by one.

There is no cure for sarcoidosis, and treatments vary greatly depending on the patient and the organs affected. About three-quarters of all patients are fine with symptomatic treatment, and two-thirds of people with sarcoidosis achieve a remission within a decade from being diagnosed. However, in some cases sarcoidosis can progress to pulmonary fibrosis (scarred lungs) and death.

In 2008, April was declared Sarcoidosis Awareness Month by the Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research (FSR), the world’s leading organization dedicated to improving care for sarcoidosis patients and finding a cure for the disease.

In 2019, the organization launched World Sarcoidosis Day observed on April 13. On the occasion of the inaugural World Sarcoidosis Day, almost 90 buildings and landmarks across the United States and Canada were lit purple (the color of the sarcoidosis awareness ribbon) as part of FSR’s Illuminate the Night: Shine a Light on Sarcoidosis initiative.

World Sarcoidosis Day is marked by informative events, fundraisers, patient conferences, and other events and activities designed to spread awareness of the disease. The easiest way to do your part is to wear a purple ribbon or a purple t-shirt, take a selfie and share it on social media with the hashtags #WorldSarcoidosisDay, #WorldSarcDay and #StopSarcoidosis.

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Word Sarcoidosis Day, Word Sarcoidosis Awareness Day, international observances, sarcoidosis, purple ribbon