TransParentDay Date in the current year: November 3, 2024

TransParentDay TransParentDay is an annual LGBTQI+ observance held on the first Sunday of November. It celebrates the love between transgender children and their parents and transgender parents and their children.

Coming out can be scary at any age. Transgender teens often choose not to come out to their parents until they reach adulthood because they are afraid to be disowned; transgender parents often stay in the closet because they are not sure how their decision to come out may affect their children. In many cases, this fear is justified, but it would be wrong to say that there are no families who are accepting and supportive of their trans members.

TransParentDay celebrates trans parents who are loved and respected by their children, as well as trans children who’ve found unconditional love and support from their parents. Your closest family is supposed to be your support system, and it’s always warming to see families where trans members receive all the love and support they need and deserve.

TransParentDay was inaugurated in 2009 to highlight the challenges that trans parents and parents of trans children face on a daily basis. Transgender parenting is an under-explored area; even queer studies often lack specific focus on the T in LGBT, ignoring the fact that trans experiences are distinct from that of lesbian, gay and bisexual people, especially when a parent (or a child) is in the process of transitioning.

Although many families with trans parents or children are perfectly happy and not much different from other families, they do face specific issues and challenges. The TransParentDay community provides such families with a public forum where they can discuss their experiences, triumphs, concerns, and fears.

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TransParentDay, transgender observances, LGBTQI+ observances, transgender parenting