Municipal Police Day in Poland Date in the current year: August 29, 2024

Municipal Police Day in Poland Municipal Police Day, also known as City Guard Day (Dzień Straży Gminnej), is a Polish professional holiday celebrated on August 29. It was officially declared by statute in 1997. This holiday is normally a working day unless falling on a weekend.

Municipal police are law enforcement agencies controlled by local government. As a rule, they supervise public order and safety, and have jurisdiction only over misdemeanors. Historically, municipal police have developed from city guards and municipal guards. In some countries, municipal police still carry the name of the city or municipal guard.

In Poland, municipal police forces are funded, directed and administered by the gmina (communes or municipalities). They were created after the fall of the Communist regime in Poland, partly as a “counterweight” to the Policja (national police force), and partly to ensure that the needs of local communities are not neglected by the country’s centralized government.

The municipal police have fewer powers than the national police. For instance, the city guards have no power of arrest and no right to investigate criminal cases, and they can only exercise what powers they have in their own gmina.

Municipal Police Day in Poland is celebrated on August 29. It was established to honor the contribution of the city guards to protecting public order.

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Municipal Police Day in Poland, City Guard Day in Poland, professional holiday, holidays in Poland