Guru Nanak Jayanti in India Date in the current year: November 15, 2024

Guru Nanak Jayanti in India Guru Nanak Jayanti is a public holiday, that is observed in many Indian states. This holiday is celebrated on the day of full moon in the month of Katak, that according to the Gregorian calendar falls on October-November.

Guru Nanak was the founder of Sikhism. This religion appeared within Hinduism and Islam, but it doesn't look like other religions. Nanak was born on April 15, 1469, but his birthday is celebrated on the day of full moon in October-November.

Guru Nanak shaped the main basic beliefs of Sikhism, that are no revenge, kindness and peace and started preaching in Punjab. His followers formed a well-organized religious community. There were ten Gurus in the history of Sikhism, the last one removed this position and transferred the power to the community.

Guru Nanak Jayanti is one of the most important holidays of Sikhism. Although Sikhs don't pay much attention to the traditions and rituals, celebration of Jayanti is marked with singing hymns and a festive procession. A morning prayer starts at 4 or 5 am and even at 1 am in some communities.

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Religious Holidays



guru nanak jayanti, guru nanak, sikhism, religious holiday, observances in india