Ride to Work Day Date in the current year: June 11, 2024

Ride to Work Day Ride to Work Day is observed annually on the second Tuesday in June. It was created to highlight the benefits of motorcycles and scooters for everyday transportation and provide the public with information about everyday utility riding.

The history of Ride to Work Day can be traced back to the late 1980s and early 1990s. From 1989 to 1991, Aerostich RiderWear created a series of marketing materials titled “Work to Ride – Ride to Work” to boost the sales of its motorcycle riders clothing. These materials inspired Fred Rau to write an editorial for the May 1992 issue of Motorcycle Consumer News (formerly named Road Rider) calling for a national ‘Ride to Work’ Day.

The inaugural Ride to Work Day was held on July 22, 1992. For several years afterwards, the third Wednesday of July was informally promoted by various motorcycle businesses, ranging from magazines to clothing and tire manufacturers, as Ride to Work Day. In 2000, a non-profit organization named Ride to Work was established to coordinate and promote the holiday. The date of Ride to Work was changed to the third Monday in June in 2008 and then to the second Tuesday in June in 2024.

The main goal of Ride to Work Day is to show that motorcycles and scooters are a great mode of transportation for everyday commute, shopping or running errands, etc. Besides, riding a motorcycle or scooter is simply an enjoyable recreational activity for many people. The holiday also aims to demonstrate the number of motorcyclists, who come from all occupations and backgrounds, to decision-makers and the general public.

The best way to celebrate Ride to Work Day is to ride your motorcycle to get places and educate others about the benefits of motorcycles, of which there are many. Motorcycles are more flexible and maneuverable than cars, allowing riders to avoid getting stuck in traffic jams and helping to reduce traffic congestion in large cities. Due to their smaller size, motorbikes are easier to park. Besides, many cities provide reduce parking rates or even free parking for motorcycles.

Owning a bike is more cost-effective than owning a car and sometimes even than using public transport. Motorcycles also are also considered a more environmentally friendly and sustainable mode of transportation than cars because they are more fuel-efficient, produce less carbon dioxide, and impact less wear and tear on the roads. Of course, they are definitely not the greenest transport, but riding a motorbike is still a greener way of commuting than using a car. Finally, riding a motorbike can have a positive impact on your cognitive abilities and mental health because it improves focus and helps to reduce stress.

Ride to Work Day is widely regarded as the world’s largest motorcycle event by participation, although the exact number of participants is hard to count. Since its inception, it has spread from the United States to other countries, including Brazil, Canada, Ecuador, France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Mexico, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Turkey, Russia, and the United Kingdom.

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Ride to Work Day, international observances, benefits of motorcycles, benefits of motorbikes