International Chefs Day Date in the current year: October 20, 2024

International Chefs Day International Chefs Day falls every year on October 20. This international observance is considered to be a professional day of all chefs around the world. The holiday was established under initiative of World Association of Chef's Societies in 2004.

Celebration of International Chefs Day usually includes culinary contests, that are organized in many big cities. The chefs of leading restaurants come to the contest and cook to show their skills.

The chefs associations may organize special activities and events, that involve children and young people. Chefs visit orphans or kindergartens, where they teach children cooking and explain the importance of healthy food. Young people may learn more about the profession of chef and get valuable lessons at the workshops, organized by prominent chefs.

Every chefs association tries to organize an unforgettable event, that will elevate the image of this profession, popularize professional culinary art among people and raise public awareness of importance of healthy and good food and issues of its wasting.

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International Observances, Professional Days


international chefs day, international observance, professional day, world association of chef's societies