War of Independence Anniversary in Cuba Date in the current year: October 10, 2024

War of Independence Anniversary in Cuba War of Independence Anniversary is one of the major national holidays in Cuba. This holiday annually falls on October 10 marking the anniversary of beginning of the Ten Years' War. This holiday is sometimes called Independence Day and Beginning of the War of Independence, but in fact these two names are not correct.

There were three wars of independence against Spain: the Ten Years' War (or the Great War), the Little War and the Cuban War of Independence. War of Independence Anniversary celebrates the beginning of the first war of independence, that is the Ten Years' War, that began on October 10, 1868 and ended in 1878.

The war began with an uprising led by Cuban-born sugar mill owner Carlos Manuel de Céspedes. Together with his followers he proclaimed independence from Spain, that marked the beginning of the conflict. Although the war was hard for Cuba, it didn't gain independence from Spain till 1898. Nevertheless, October 10, 1868 became a turning point in the history of the Cuban people.

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war of independence anniversary in cuba, public holiday, observances in cuba, national holiday, ten years war