Victory Day in North Korea Date in the current year: July 27, 2024

Victory Day in North Korea July 27 is Victory Day in North Korea. The official name of this national holiday is the Day of Victory of Fatherland Liberation War. It marks the end of the Korean War in 1953.

The Korean War was fought between North and South Korea from 1950 to 1953. In North Korea, this armed conflict is known as Fatherland Liberation War. During the war, North Korea was assisted by Chine and the Soviet Union, while UN forces led by the USA provided support for South Korea.

After World War II, the Korean Peninsula was divided into two parts along the 38th parallel. Each part had its separate government, and both governments claimed to be the legitimate government of the entire Korea.

The conflict between North and South Korea escalated into a war when North Korean forces invaded South Korea. The invasion took place on June 25, 1950. The first year of the war was quite dramatic, while the last two years rather were a war of attrition. The armistice agreement was signed on July 27, 1953, creating the demilitarized zone between the two countries.

Victory Day is widely celebrated throughout the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The biggest celebration is held in the capital city of Pyonguyang. The festivities include military parades, flower- and wreath laying ceremonies at war memorials and military cemeteries, dance performances.

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Victory Day in North Korea, holidays in North Korea, public holiday, national holiday, Korean War