International Surfing Day Date in the current year: June 15, 2024

International Surfing Day International Surfing Day is an unofficial observance that celebrates the sport of surging, surfing lifestyle, and sustainability of ocean resources. It is usually observed on the third Saturday of June, falling close to the summer solstice.

Surfing Magazine and the Surfrider Foundation established International Surfing Day in 2005. Since its inception, the holiday has spread worldwide and is now observed with numerous activities and events, like surf contest, barbecues, film screenings etc. Since the Surfrider Foundation is a non-profit environmental organization that works on the protection and preservation of the world's oceans and beaches, surfers often organize beach clean-ups, dune and other habitat restoration activities, maintenance of recreational areas, and planting of coastal Naupaka plants (in Hawaii).

International Surfing Day is most popular in South America (Argentina, Peru and Brazil), Oceania (New Zealand, Australia), North America and coastal European countries - in other words, everywhere where surfing is a common pastime due to proximity to the sea or ocean.

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International Observances


international surfing day, surfrider foundation, international observance, unofficial holiday