Autistic Pride Day Date in the current year: June 18, 2024

Autistic Pride Day June 18 is Autistic Pride Day. This observance celebrates neurodiversity of people and recognizes, that autistic people have a unique set of characteristics.

The idea of observation of Autistic Pride Day belongs to a campaigning group Aspies For Freedom. This group educates public that autism is not a disability, but a condition, that requires treatment. The group also campaigns against abusive forms of treatment and against the idea of a cure of autism.

Aspies For Freedom group annually organizes events around the world to convince people, that autistic people are unique individuals and they have such a set of characteristics, that provides them with many rewards and challenges. The group believes, that autistic people have difficulties in society due to social standards. For instance, many autism related organizations promote feeling of pity for autistic people, thus making their life harder.

Autistic activists and researchers proved, that autism is not a disability, that must be cured or treated, it's just deviation of norm, that is a difference, rather than a disability.

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autistic pride day, aspies for freedom, autistic people, autism, international observance