Triumph of the Revolution in Cuba Date in the current year: January 1, 2024

Triumph of the Revolution in Cuba While the rest of the world is busy with the New Year's Day, the Cubans celebrate Triumph of the Revolution, also knows as Liberation Day, a holiday that marks the anniversary of the victory of the revolution led by Fidel Castro.

January 1 1959 became the day when all the Cubans got good news: Fulgencia Batista, the US-backed president, fled the country on 31 December 1958 after his troops were defeated by the army led by Ernesto “Che” Guevara and Camilo Cienfuegos. These events let young Fidel Castro to assume the power in Cuba so he was able to change the capitalist regime into socialist. He hold the country until February 2008 when he delegated the power to his brother Raul Castro.

Nowadays Triumph of the Revolution is the day, when all the Cubans remember the establishment of a new socialist regime. The whole world awaited when Cuba would collapse without its supporter – the Soviet Union. Anyway Cuba outlived it and even subsisted without it. The country with one-party government flourishes economically and the Cubans know how to live each day of their life.

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national holiday, cuba, cuban holiday, cuban revolution, triumph of the revolution, liberation day