Victory Day in Pakistan Date in the current year: September 8, 2024

Victory Day in Pakistan Victory Day is a national holiday in Pakistan, that has a great importance for the nation. This holiday celebrates victory of the Pakistan Navy in Operation Dwarka during the Indo-Pakistan War.

Operation Dwarka was a naval operation during the Indo-Pakistan War of 1965. This operation marked the first use of the Pakistan Navy in the war.

The naval attack was launched by Pakistan on September 7, 1965 on Western Indian shores. The tiny town of Dwarka was chosen to be a target of the attack, because is had lower defenses and historical relevance for Pakistan. The Pakistani operation was successful and its warships harbored in Bombay, making the Indian Navy unable to sortie.

Although the operation took place on September 7, the celebration is postponed until September 8. September 7 is Air Force Day in Pakistan, and celebrations last for three days, starting from September 6, that is Defense Day.

The Pakistan Navy organizes a special show on Victory Day, displaying its full colors and guard of honor.

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Victory Day in Pakistan, holidays in Pakistan, Indo-Pakistan War, Pakistan navy, operation Dwarka