World Hello Day Date in the current year: November 21, 2024

World Hello Day Do you have any idea, why should you greet today at least ten people with a single and simple word “Hello?”. If you don't know, it's World Hello Day, and it's annually celebrated by people from at least 180 countries on November 21.

World Hello Day was created by a PhD graduate of Arizona State University Brian McCormack and a graduate of Harvard University Michael McCormack. They decided to create a holiday, that would promote peace among people and strengthen their social relations. This idea came up to them in response to the military conflict between Israel and Egypt, known as the Yom Kippur War. The holiday was created in 1973 and the first celebration took place the same year.

There is a special activity on World Hello Day: everyone, who participates the celebration, should greet at least ten people. This will join everyone in a global expression of peace and draw attention of the governments that use of communication is better than the force to settle conflicts. And how many people have you already greeted?

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International Observances, Unofficial Holidays


world hello day, international observance, unofficial holiday, yom kippur war